J3: Project 4: Experimental Ring: Research

Ancient Egyptian Jewelry:

-Wore jewelry to protect from the evil eye as well as ornamentation
-Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli and Feldspar symbolize good luck
-Amethyst represents happiness
-the Scarab Beetle represents morning sun, rejuvenation, fertility
-the Benben (a pointed stone) inspired the pyramid's shape
-Egyptians believed the route to the afterlife was via the sunbeams
-Benben symbolized the sun's rays
-"Udjat" (Eye of Ra) symbolizes protection

(Facts from USA Today)

A new study found that ancient Egyptian beads were made from meteorites!
read article here: Ancient Egyptian Jewelry Came from Outer Space

-Scarabs are meaningful due to the process of laying eggs in their dung and rolling it across the ground. They see this as life being formed from something that is dead.
-The sun god Ra is said to roll the sun across the sky throughout the day and is thus often portrayed as a scarab
-The number 7 symbolizes perfection
-The color gold represents the sun

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013

J3: Project 1: Artist Inspiration

Ulla Ahola

Inspiration for Framework:
Ines Almeida

Monday, September 2, 2013

J3: Project 1: Locket/Container Research

Victorian Mourning Jewelry
-faceted stones
-several components connected with jump rings

-dangle component

-silhouettes of several brooches

-combination of jet and braided hair

-Combination of hair/photograph
-simple design

-delicate border set with stones

-Hair mimics scrolls in the frame

-Simple frame set with pearls

-Victorian inspiration


-reliquary does not seem to relate to the relic

-relic becomes part of the reliquary

-mementos of saints housed in oval frames 

-reliquary mimics shape of relic

-ornate frame/simple locket

-specific place for relic to be held
-reliquary directly related to relic 
-ornate relic
-simplistic reliquary

Modernized Relic/Reliquary?

-Lady Locks Creations 
-animal parts 

Status/Socio-Economic Signifiers


-make a mold of nose
-fill with wax
-electroform if possible
-if not, fill with resin


Final Sketch